Sunday, November 17, 2013

news on Mitch!

Senator McConnell has been very busy the past few weeks he has had a lot to do the past few week one thing that has come that is important is some of the people has actually lost there health due to the oBamacare act. McConnell is trying to get rid of that he feels they should there own say in there own health care. Obamacare is effecting a lot of the small businesses around the world and McConnell has reached out to a lot of those owners which should help him in the near voting.

I think that with McConnell getting attention of the small business owners is a great thing. Mitch going out and getting support from the owners will help him will in the election coming up. I also feel that the people should have a say in the there own health care and they should not be forced for some health some care if they don't want it.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

News !!

McConnell didnt have a big week as much as last week but there has been alot of big things that involve him. This week McConnell asked to to pass th house bill on military chaplains and the democrats rejected. McConnell wasnt so happy about that, more news on the senate voting on a 1.1 trillion debt ceiling in McConnell words about that he has to say no strings attached to that part.

I think the 1.1 Trillion debt ceiling is gonna be bad idea in my opinion  because i think were gonna regret using all that money towards somthing we dont even know is going to work. I think McConnell is doing everything he can do to please the rebulicans for the next election coming up next year when he has to run again.

Sunday, October 6, 2013


Mitch is still arguing about the Obamacare he wants it gone and never to happen. He is arguing that the "Washington democrats shut down the government because the democrats think that the middle class resident dont deserve the same kind of treatment as there employers" is what he said. Mitch is saying this week that the government was shut down because they didnt decide the fairness of the Obamacare whitch that being caused making a big problem and causing the government to shut down.

I think that Obama is going to loose alot of respect from some of his voters with all this Obamacare and government being shut down and causing some employers not to go to work and make money for there families. Mitch i think is looking really smart with all that he is saying because i think he making Obama not look good which is exactly what he wants and it is working for him.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

News on Mitch!

Mitch has got a lot of endorsements from right to life people which isn't bad for him but the people might might not be for it as much . McConnell voted against the Reid amendment to fund against the final bill because it included Obamacare funding. Senetor McConnell has done everything he could to stop Obama care this week.

My thoughts on this week for Mitch that it has hurt him because I feel like a lot of people have been against him on him not voting for the Obama especially the democrats. But I also feel like he helped  his side for sure on his side he did a lot of protesting against the Obama care because he has been all over Kentucky about  Obama

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Mitch McConnell early news

Mitch McConell has done much this week but one thing he does have on his side is support from anti abortion groups. Mitch has been all over the greenhouse gas rules this week also, Mitch said he will file a resolution of disapproval to block new the greenhouse gas rules. Mitch has been all over that because he does not agree with what Obama is trying to do with ll the people with the coil business.

I think what Mitch is doing is good for Mitch and i think that him arguing this so much will help a lot in the near election. I agree with what Mitch is doing also because this is just gonna put more people into a lot of trouble with business. This will defiantly help people see Mitch is there to help people and not just mess around and try to get people to vote for him.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

past week

This past week Mitch has been arguing with Obama about the coal industry. This past week Mitch sent a email out saying that "if these reports are accurate, his latest proposal is not only on war on coal jobs but on all the residents". Mitch and Obama always seem to be arguing every week about something new.

I think that Mitch is right what Obama is doing will take away some jobs and make the residents staying there not getting paid and having to move somewhere else and getting a new job. I don't realize how this will affect the economy but i am guessing that it will affect this very bad and it will cause big problems in the future.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

recent news about what Mitch has been up to

Mitch McConnell has seen that more then 10,000 Kids drop out of of school in this state. The Kids parents also have a big say in this too because they have the choice of there kid has to go to school, Mitch is saying they shouldn't be with friends and be more focused on school and make our community look good. Mitch has tried to make this a big deal but some people do not get that education is a big deal like it is.

Mitch is doing a good thing on putting out that some Kentucky schools are not trying and should be trying harder. I feel like that should be more important then what people think. 10,000 is alot of kids dropping out of school. I think there should be a new rule that you have to at least graduate high school.